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Need help? Aquatricity

Need Help?

We are here for you to help you enjoy your journey with Aquatricity!
You can browse for help by topic/page from the menu below, or type in the search bar.

Sign Up & Login

I am using the app for the first time

To signup, you have to enter your desired display name (username) and email address. You have to create a password that is longer than 5 characters (you will get an error otherwise). Finally, you have to include your mobile phone number, and click on the “Sign Up” button.

I already have an account

You will need to login to access your account. Just enter your display name and password and click on “Next”.

Need help? Aquatricity

Forgot Password

Well, it happens frequently, unfortunately. We do not have a dedicated button in the app at this point, so you are advised to contact us for support. We will send you your old password, and ask you to change it upon logging in.

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